Worker's Guideline


Workers can complete a Micro job in following campaign ( job ) Modes

All Jobs paid instantly as you marked satisfied by employer.
  1.  USA / UK/ AU /CA campaign
    Only members from USA/ UK/ AU /CA countries will be allowed to do this job

  2.  International 
    All members from all countries around the world are allowed to do this job

  3. Limited Countries
    Employer have selected / restricted countries for do this job,members from mentioned countries will be able to do this job

  4. Hired Group
    Employer have selected members( workers ) from  workers list,only those invited workers will be able to do this job

  5. Paid to Click
    All members (workers) can do this job .doesn't required any proof to submit,worker just need to click on this job , visit and get paid instantly 

Sell / Exchange - Offer / Service / products (Free)

Workers Post / Sell / Exchange - their Services / products at Free of Cost on site
  1. Start a Selling / Offer Campaign (free)
  2. Write a description of service / products / exchange
  3. Publish it instantly
  4. Get Orders from other members
  5. Deliver the Work
  6. Get Paid
  7. Withdraw Funds in Cash
This Service of free to All members
who want to offer their services or sell their products or offer something to other members
How to Complete a Micro Job
  1. You will need to have an active account to log-in on site and find a job
  2. You can find a job by Category or country
  3. You will need to select your working skills  from categories in menu  MyAccount -> Add More skills
  4. Click on job and read the job details & required proof .
  5. Follow the Required proof details and submit the proof.
  6. PTC campaigns doesn't required any Proof to submit.paid instantly after clicked / visit the employer's site 
Employer will review worker's submitted proof :
If employer SATISFIED
  • Worker get paid instantly ( no further action required )
  • Employer provide the feedback and rate your work.
If employer Not-SATISFIED
  • Employer can give you another chance for correction
  • Employer will give you details of reason and you can re-submit the Proof of work
  • After the correction Resubmit the proof to employer
  • If Employer still Not Satisfied ? You will be paid and can not do this task again
  • If Employer Satisfied ? you will be Paid and mark as Satisfied Work
if employer doesn't check the Pending proof within 7 days, you will be auto mark satisfied and paid by system
Withdraw / cash out
  1. You can withdraw your Cash balance any time when your balance reaches to ___
  2. your success-rate must be above ___ to withdraw / cash out
  3. wallet balance can not be withdraw since its a total of all refunds,not earned by doing jobs
  4. you can select any available withdraw method and enter amount to withdraw ( minimum withdraw required ___ )
  5. After withdrawal request no further action required
  6. You can see the status of your withdrawal process is being processing or processed
  7. We send the payments within ___ days.
  8. As your withdraw status showing Completed,make sure you have received your payment
  9. for any issue you can contact to administration for any support,
  10. if you want to start a campaign ? you can use your earned balance for start a new campaign and become employer.
  11. you can also  generate a voucher which is valid for 1 year,
  12. you can share your balance or gift this code to a friend or family members
For earning by referral system please check here
For any question please check here or contact us for any assistance
Thank you,
FreelancerWay online Jobs Marketplace